Monday, September 19, 2016

A new beginning!

It's amazing what cancer will do to a family.  For those that don't know me, on April 13th 2015 my now 4-year-old son was diagnosed with high risk stage IV neuroblastoma and we had a very long roller coaster ride.  Through my entire life I have struggled with my weight and this really hit my weight, and fitness hard.

A little 2011 I had some medical issues, spent some time in the hospital and realized how out of shape I was.  As an avid hunter and a relatively new father I decided I needed to do something and found a little workout program for hunters called Train To Hunt and a little supplement company for hunters called Wilderness Athlete.  With these I made some changes and got in shape, not good shape, but definitely made some improvements.  It could have been better, but due to some lifelong medical issues and my love of food I only got so far.  Even though I made some great strides, my son being diagnosed with cancer, hospital food, long road trips back and forth for treatment and not exercising regularly took away all the progress I made previously.  While I was still in better shape than I was in 2011, I was nowhere near where I was in January 2015

Fast forward to September 2016 and me, trying to finish up my degree, get an assignment for a class that entails me abstaining from something for 10 weeks and the light bulb goes off.........let's get my fat butt into real shape, and a shape that doesn't include round!!  As soon as I heard of the project I decided I would cut out all soda from my diet then I decided to cut out all junk food as well.  Part of this project includes daily journals as to how I feel, did I relapse and why or why didn't I relapse, and that's where this all comes in.  While I will be journaling for my class daily as to how I feel and what I'm going through mentally, on here I will be talking about those things, plus I will be sharing with all of you what my goals are and what I am doing to attain those goals.  Also, with the help of My Fitness Pal, I will be sharing my food intake and my workouts to show what I'm doing and who this all is effecting me mentally and physically.

My goal for all of you is to show that no matter how much you have going on in your life, you can do this, do it right and reach your goals.  As far as my personal goals right now......I want to feel better, I want my clothes to fit better and I want to improve my body composition.

Over the next 12 weeks I will be using nutrition products from Wilderness Athlete, part of their 28 Day Challenge, plus some healthy snacks and a sensible dinner as far as my intake.  I also plan to run 3 to 4 days a week plus include either a Train To Hunt Workout or a workout at my CrossFit Gym, Black Iron Gym, 3 to 4 days a week for 6 to 8 workouts a week.  During the next 12 weeks you can follow my intake and workouts at NVBrushhunter on MyFitnessPal and I will also post photos on my Instagram, Crossfit_Hunter, as I go through this journey.

Thanks for following and let's get this going!!

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