Friday, November 25, 2016

Another week in the books

Over the last week my weight has been up and down, but I was down again overall.  This morning I am afraid to step on the scale because of Thanksgiving yesterday, but I'll get back on the program again today.  Over the last few weeks my exercising has taken a true turn the worse.  With work, school, family, weather and the time change I haven't been able to get any workouts in.  Yes, they are excuses and I have to quit with the excuses, but it's what has happened.  Even with what little work I've been putting it, I ran our little Turkey Trot yesterday and PR'd both my 5K and 10K, which was a mental win and shows what I'm doing is working.  Even more so was the fact my average pace over the first 5K was just over 11 minutes, a full minute faster than I was earlier this year.

With my work schedule, I have to run after dark every night and I can only run around the marina so many times, especially now that I'm supposed to be stretching out the distance.  I'm starting to think about running some of the easier trails at night with a headlamp, but it's a little unnerving for me at this point.  As it's gotten colder, the garage gym isn't as appealing as it once was, especially a cold barbell!!  Things will get a little easier in a couple weeks once school is done and once I finish my weeknight Ski Patrol training as I have a little more time and get a run in before dark and may even make it back to the gym before closing.

As far as my diet goes, I'm still holding pretty strong overall.  I slipped up a couple times this week, but overall I'm happy.  Unlike previously, I rarely have cravings, which makes it a ton easier.  It's also easier because when I do have the cravings I have a little more control over portion size, which is another big thing I have learned over the last few weeks.

Thanks for the support and I'm going to keep seeing what I can accomplish!!

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